Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is produced in a wide range of densities from 10 to 50 Kgs/M3 providing a varying range of Physical / Mechanical properties. These are matched to the various applications where the material is used to optimize its performance and strength.
Features of Expanded polystyrene (EPS)
v EPS is a good example of the efficient use of natural resources – it is 95% air.
v It has wide application temperature from - 10⁰ to + 80⁰ Max. Degree Celsius.
v The manufacture and use of EPS does not generate any risk to health or to the environment.
v EPS does not damage the ozone layer since it does not use CFCs or HCFCs in the manufacturing process.
v The transformation process consumes little energy and does not generate waste.
v The use of EPS for thermal insulation in the construction industry contributes significant savings on heating and cooling buildings and a drastic reduction in the emission of polluting gases CO² and SO².
v EPS packaging protects products, helping to reduce wastage and its lightweight nature helps to reduce fuel consumption.
v EPS packaging can come directly into contact with foodstuffs as it meets all the prevailing international health regulations.
v Fungi and bacteria cannot easily grow on EPS.
v EPS makes up only a tiny part of Municipal Solid Waste (0.1%)
v As it does not biodegrade EPS does not contaminate the air or water with gases or hydro soluble substances.
v HYGIENIC NATURE: since the material is inert, unalterable and innocuous it can come into direct contact with foodstuffs whilst complying with the laid down health and safety standards.
v ADAPTABILITY: it is easy to adapt to any product or any design.
v EPS is 100% recyclable